Thursday, August 28, 2008

Long Time, No Post

I know.
I know.
It's been ages. I feel like a loser not posting ANYTHING since I got back from the beach. Truth? I'm still sort of in "Vacation" mode. Yes, I came back from vacation in the middle of July but you can't expect a girl just to jump back into life that quickly?
I took off from the gym when I went on vacation and I rarely go anymore. The Mooch goes in the mornings without me now.

I do hope you will all forgive me.....To my 2 faithful readers, I apologize.

But, no more excuses, I'm back to posting. I really do have loads to talk about but I'll start off slow

I've been hearing such wonderful things about Natural Boar Bristle hair brushes. How they're better for your hair than plastic, they make it shiny, blah blah blah. In reality, because I have such thick coarse hair, those bristles run over my hair, they don't actually make it through.
All the celebrities rave about the "Mason Pearson Hairbrush"line saying it's the best and only brush they will ever use. While they are probably right, sometimes I think that celebrities have just way too much money. I for one, cannot spend $126 on a FRIGGIN HAIRBRUSH!!!!!! So CCW needed to find some less expensive alternatives.

While I was Target, I noticed the Sonia Kashuk Bristle Hair Brush. I don't actually think it's Boar Bristles, but it was totally worth a try at only $14.99. Do we see the major price difference here?
My official review? This brush is pretty good. It actually goes through my hair and maybe I'm just imagining but my hair has been extra shiny since I've started using it. It's a pretty good brush that will not break the bank. Buy it here.

So my dears, I know I have said it before, but I will try to post on a regular basis. I'm starting to sink into reality that I cannot spend my life on the beach sipping Mojito's all day! Fall is right around the corner!

I remain yours,