Monday, March 24, 2008

Doctor's Orders

I have a love-hate relationship with showering. I know, I might sound gross, but in all honesty, I wish I could just be clean all the time.
Anything that will cut my shower time down, I'm glad.
I was grocery shopping and I was in the shampoo aisle and stumbled upon Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps.
I've actually read some reviews on this product all positive so on a complete whim, I decided to buy it. After all, there's 18 uses in 1. I bought the Almond Hemp, and while Hemp doesn't smell good, it was the Almond scent that convinced me.
This soap is the bomb. You can actually wash your hair with this stuff. It's 100% organic, no crazy ingredients.
Dr. Bronner, my sensitive skin thanks you for this sweet little product!
Until next time
I remain yours,
The Certified Cosmetics Whore

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