Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fools Gold

Ok, so my girlfriend Angela has been asking me to post the "negatives", the stuff I don't like. I told her "In due time my dear, but, so far, I've liked everything".
Well........I've been duped ladies. I read online the other day about "John Frieda" products. Now, I wasn't a "huge" fan of the Brilliant Brunette products that he put out, but I was reading online about his "Luminous Color Glaze". I have a client, who is the model for this line and she raved about it. I thought I would give it a try.
I read the bottle carefully before I even bought it. You are supposed to shampoo and condition as normal and use this after. This is the line that totally confused me "Wash hands thoroughly". WHAT? But I'm in the shower, "What"?????? So tonight as I showered, I FINALLY understood what the directions meant.
First of all, the product is dark brown. Fine, ok, dark brown. The instructions say to just put enough to cover from root to end. After I put the product in, I got it. Wash Hands Thoroughly. OMG, This Effin product dyed my hands brown. I actually had to scrub. And when I say scrub, I mean, I had to take my loofah and SCRUB the crap out of my hands to get the brown off.
After I got out of the shower, I noticed my scalp............there were red/brownish "spots" along the hairline. I had to use toner to remove them.
In conclusion, is my hair as luminous as I thought it would be?? HECK NO! It doesn't look any different!!!!! I expected to look like a movie star... Instead, I came out looking just like me :(
Not cool John Frieda, Not Cool!!!!!!!

Please please please, do not waste the $10 on this product! You're better off buying Frederic Fekkai's "glossing cream"

I remain yours,

1 comment:

mom2two said...

yeah, you're back.. i knew there would be some bad stuff eventually!