Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rescue Your Nails

Hi beauties! I hope everyone enjoyed the long Memorial Day Weekend. It was gorgeous out, wasn't it?
So I am totally excited to talk about this new book I just bought the other day. The title is called "Rescue Your Nails" and it was written by Ji Baek from Rescue Beauty Lounge.
I've been waiting a couple of months for this book to come out, hoping Ms. Baek will be able to guide me to perfect looking nails (see post in March)
Well, she knows her stuff. After all, she founded Rescue Beauty Lounge in NYC, I would hope I'm getting what I paid for!
Without giving too much away, I learned to give myself the perfect manicure and pedicure at home so I'll be saving MUCHO DINERO!
I really think it's worth buying the book, For only $12.95 you can buy it here.
Here's a sample of what I learned:
  • Don't ever "shake" the bottle of nail polish, you should roll it in between your hands so the nail polish doesn't "bubble"
  • Oil on the nail can cause your nail polish to peel, so before you put on your base coat, you should always swipe it down with nail polish remover.
So that's it ladies! I'm curious to see if anyone has the book or planning to buy it! Tell me your thoughts!

I remain yours,

1 comment:

mom2two said...

can you tell us more.. i have no time to read, and no money for pedicures!! more tips please.