Monday, April 7, 2008

Take 2 and Call me in the Morning......

Okay ladies!
Ever feel like your skin is just blotchy and dull? I have a great homeopathic recipe for you.
Take 7-8 aspirin (not 2 like the title states), mix with warm water, enough to make a paste. Once the aspirin dissolves, spread over your face. Yes, I said your face. Wait until it dries, and wash off with cool water. VOILA! Gorgeous glowing skin!
The best part about this is it's extremely cheap. has it for $10.99
No point in spending hundreds of dollars on those fancy serums or masks. This one can be done up to twice a week!
Another trick to do instead of leaving it on until it dries, use it as an exfoliator, works wonders as well!
Try it out and let me know what you think!

I remain yours,
The Certified Cosmetics Whore (CCW)

1 comment:

Mike "Mooch" said...

What? Really? How come I've never witnessed you do this?

At least it's explained why we go through so much aspirin!