Sunday, June 8, 2008

Don't judge a book by it's cover....

Or should I say, don't judge an egg by it's shell.
Suh-weet Jaysus I found it!!!!!

The one product that will make me look gorgeous ALL summer!!! The greatest part? It only costs $10. It's the Ped-Egg foot file.
I admit, when I first saw the commercial for it, I laughed out loud. Seriously, who's feet are so calloused they rip pantyhose? I always laugh at the over-exaggerated actors on commercials to sell a product.
The Ped-Egg gets the name from the unique "egg" shape, that fits easily into your hand, and they have these files that wipe away rough feet and callouses in minutes. So, I bought it. I wasn't dropping $115 on this (see "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend"), it was $10, that's a sandwich and a bag of chips in NYC.
The files look like a cheese grater, but don't be scared, they are safe to the touch, and they have a compartment that holds the skin shavings. I know, it sounds gross, and when I opened the ped egg compartment to throw out the shavings the Mooch actually said "Oh, wow, that's just not right", however there is no mess, just wonderful looking feet!
I won't name names, but I tried it out on someone who has heavy callouses on their feet, and VOILA! Gone within 5 minutes.
I don't know if I will ever get Bliss products sent to me after saying this but, The Ped-Egg blows the Diamancel files out of the water, (Sorry Bliss)
I think everyone should who wants smooth feet should buy this product. I bought it at CVS, but you can buy it here.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!

I remain yours,


mom2two said...

i went to 3 different drugstores looking for this!! will have to order!

mom2two said...

i already told ccw this.. but i'll say it again..

after using this, now i can't use the caluses on my left heel to scratch the top of my right foot anymore.. smooth as a baby's bottom.